Step into my world

My name is Michelle Sosa, owner and designer of PrettyBlessed Jewels. I’m proud to be a Cuban American woman, born and raised in Miami, Florida; who has always had a passion for fashion accessories, creativity and business. The concept of PrettyBlessed is something I’ve envisioned for over 10 years now.  At that time I was focused on achieving my goal of completing my degree in Business Accounting and although the idea of creating fashion accessories has always been something I’ve dreamed of doing, my focus at the time was on taking what I believed to be “the safe path”, which caused me to not take immediate action towards my true passion.

Fast forward to 2019, when I gave birth to my son Arthur Alexander, who we affectionately call Machy. This was when everything changed for me.  I saw the future differently, and as scary as risk may seem I now saw it as completely necessary to accomplish all the passions I had in my heart. As a stay at home mom, I had a lot of time to think about legacy and the type of example I wanted to set for my children. In my heart, I knew this rekindled passion was God nudging at me about what he had set in heart years prior, creating PrettyBlessed. In the beginning of 2020, when the pandemic hit I saw everything go online and where many were taking a pause on their operations, I saw this as a great time to start working on my new craft and purchased my first set of jewelry supplies to start practicing. I couldn’t see the whole picture of PrettyBlessed, all I kept seeing was the next step.  So with each step, I kept moving forward and perfecting my craft. 

Over the next 2 years I made all my own jewelry, from necklaces, bracelets, rings etc. I’d give it to the girls and women in my life as gifts and would sell it to my friends while I gained my confidence as a jewelry designer and maker.  When New Years 2022 came around I took a moment and realized the progress I had made in my craft, and I knew it was the time to go all in on PrettyBlessed Jewels. I did not have a mentor or a guide of any sort, all I had was a burning desire to create, build, and achieve, which is all I needed to figure things out and get started.

PrettyBlessed Jewels is so much more than just a business to me. This has been part of my identity for so long.  The story of PrettyBlessed is meant to inspire everyone who has a burning desire to create something even when they don't have all the answers.  Have faith in God and in your ability to achieve what God has placed in your heart.  God has placed that passion in your heart for a reason. The important thing is to get started and take it one step at a time, and when challenges come, we learn and pivot, but never quit. 

Thank you for visiting my page and I welcome you to continue following me on my journey.

With Love,



    All of our pieces are 18K Gold Filled, Water Resistant + Tarnish Free. They are designed for daily use, and with proper care they will last for many years to come.


    It is our pleasure to answer all of your questions in great detail. We believe strongly in clear communication. We are available to answer all of your questions via email at


    Have an issue with one of your pieces? Please reach out to us and we will do our best to help you find a resolution.